Pottstown Farm Programs

two bite club

This club is free and open to all children 12 years and under. It’s one of our most popular programs at the market and your children will love it! Each week FARM purchases an item from one of our many farmers or food vendors to share with our youngest visitors. Children can try the item at the Two Bite Club Tent while at the market. There, they can try the sample and receive a $5 FARM Coin that they can cash in at any of our market vendors, or they can save their coins to have more buying power at a future market!

We ask parents to register their children so we can track their participation each season. In 2024, over 850 children participated, which is a lot of Red Coins!

This program is also supported by grants, and we hope you will consider donating to the Two Bite Club so we can continue to serve our community of children.

Snap Incentives

Do you have an EBT Card?

At FARM, we understand our community’s hardships, particularly in today’s economy. We also understand when times are tough, getting the best bang for your buck often means sacrificing healthy foods for lower-cost boxed foods. Pottstown FARM wants to help bring locally grown, healthy food to your home. When you visit the market, we can add buying power to your budget. Come to the information table, where we can exchange every $10 you wish to spend on EBT into FARM Coins. For every $10, FARM adds an additional $5 FARM Coin at no extra cost to you. You will then have $15 to shop the market for healthy foods and local produce. We hope to support as many local neighbors as possible in this program, so visit the FARM and eat healthy this coming market season!

Please, support the pottstown farm!

Pottstown FARM works to educate the community on a variety of subjects that can help grow a healthy community. We host speakers who educate our guests about our ecosystem and its importance to all of us.

Lydia Work, a local beekeeper, talks to our guests about how important our bees and our environment.

Lois Vedock is a local butterfly expert who tags butterflies before releasing them at the Pottstown FARM. This event is a great way for children to learn about the metamorphosis cycle of the butterfly.

Many Non-profits join the market by bringing kids fun activities and crafts throughout the season. Pottstown Community Arts and Villa Maria Academy High School Students enjoy volunteering their time to make the market an enjoyable time for our visitors both young and old.

We also host fun activities throughout the season for both young and old. In 2025 we will start the market season off with a BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! Celebrating 10 years. Opening Day is May 17th. Christmas in July is always a fun day for the kids and family. Games, special crafts, raffles and live music will be celebrating the “holiday” with FARM. We are planning July 26th. Halloween at the market is scheduled for October 25th. Children are encouraged to wear costumes and participate in the fun for safe Trick or Treating event. Small Biz Saturday will look a little different this season, so stay tuned for further information about this celebration!

painted lineSVG of a painted line

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