Get Involved

There are many different ways that you can support Pottstown FARM. From shopping the FARM, donating to the FARM, becoming a Vendor, having a Community Table at the FARM, to providing Entertainment, the opportunities to impact your community are great.

volunteer at the FARM

Here at the FARM, we’d be lost without our volunteer farmhands! If you have some time to give and would like to earn some FARM coin, we’d love to have you join our team.

Donate to the FARM

Pottstown FARM runs on the generous support of our community. That support powers us to continue the programs that help our community have access to healthy foods.

Become a FARM Vendor

Pottstown FARM is serious about bringing the best shopping experience to our local community. We select our vendors, entertainers and community partnerships based on their values, contribution to our mission, quality and reliability.

Entertain the FARM

Pottstown FARM strives to host a family-friendly, fun event throughout spring, summer and early fall. We love welcoming musical guests and entertainers who complement our market and mission.

Become a Sponsor

Local Organizations and Businesses can provide a level of support to Pottstown FARM that allows us to continue to do what we do while giving the sponsor increased visibility.

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Upcoming Farm Days

There are currently no events.

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