Volunteer at the FARM

Many Hands Make Light Work!

Here at the FARM, we’d be lost without our volunteer farmhands! If you have some time to give, we’d love to have you join our team.

Volunteer at the FARM

From manning tables to helping vendors, the Pottstown FARM needs dedicated individuals to make it run and GROW! If you have time to help us out, we would really love to talk to you. Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you.

Earn FARM Coins!

Pottstown FARM is offering a $5 FARM Coin for each hour you help by volunteering. These coins are able to be used by any vendor at our market on the day you volunteer. Give an hour, earn a $5 Coin, give two, earn $10.

Thank you in advance for your time!

Fill out the Form

Please fill out the form as best as you can so that we can contact you quickly.

How Should We Reply to You

painted lineSVG of a painted line

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